Tenant-Based Voucher Portability

What is portability?
Portability is the ability to use your HCAAC voucher to move to another housing jurisdiction. If you lived in the HCAAC jurisdiction when you initially applied for voucher assistance you may choose to port your voucher immediately. If you did not live in the HCAAC jurisdiction when you applied for voucher assistance, you MUST lease your voucher in the HCAAC jurisdiction for at least one (1) year. -
Port-In to HCAAC Process
This process begins by contacting your current (originating) Housing Authority to discuss portability options.
You are encouraged to search for a new place to live while you have your current voucher and before you vacate your current home.
Your current (originating) Housing Authority is responsible for sending your portability request to:
Housing Commission of Anne Arundel County
Attention: Portability Specialist
7483 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd.
Glen Burnie MD 21061
Email: portin@hcaac.org
Phone: 410.222.6205
The port-in process could take 30-days from the date that all documentation is received from the originating Housing Authority.
You will be contacted by the receiving Housing Authority (HCAAC) to complete an online intake application and to provide any up-to-date income documents.
Once your intake application and documents are received complete and if your file is approved for eligibility, you will be contacted to schedule a voucher briefing and be issued your voucher.
During the voucher briefing you will be advised of the bedroom size and the maximum amount of your voucher; this may be different from theoriginating Housing Authority based on occupancy standards, payment standards and utility allowance amounts.
All questions and concerns regarding the port-in should be sent to portin@hcaac.org or call 410.222.6205.
Port-Out From HCAAC Process
If you are a member of a receiving Housing authority and need to submit billing, annual or interim changes, please email all documents to portout@hcaac.org and specify the name of the client and the type of transaction in the subject line.
Submit a request to port-out to your assigned Housing Specialist.
If you prefer, you may schedule an appointment time to pick up the forms from:
HCAAC Housing Resource Center
7483 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd.
Glen Burnie MD 21061
Phone: 410.222.6205
NOTE: Appointments are not required during open lobby hours Tuesdays through Thursdays 8:30am to 4pm (closed from 12pm to 1pm daily for lunch).
You will be given/sent an Intent to Move Form to be completed by you advising the proposed vacate date agreed upon by you and your current landlord; you move-out date must be the last day of a month.
You will also receive a Port-Out Form to be completed with the information of the Housing Authority of where you choose to port. This information MUST contain the name of the Housing Authority, the full address of the Housing Authority, the contact person receiving your portability packet; the portability email address, phone number and fax number if applicable.
The port-out process could take 30-days from the date all documentation is sent to the receiving Housing Authority.
If you have any questions regarding the port-out process please email your assigned Housing Specialist if HCAAC is your originating agency.
Frequently Asked Questions
I can't reset my password
HCAAC is using a new software company. You may need to "Register Now" for the first time.
Password Recovery Options/ forgot Password - If you forget your password or no longer have access to the email address on file, you can reset their password and/or change the email address.
You may select from the following options:
“I forgot my password”
“I forgot my email”
“I can’t access my email”
If you have forgotten your password, you have four (4) options:
“Answer identity questions”
“Answer security questions”
“Send me an email”
“Send me a text message (SMS)”
If you do not have access to, or have forgotten the email address associated with your application, you MUST enter the following information to change the associated email:
First and last name
Date of birth and
Last four digits of your Social Security Number or Alien ID.
I've signed up before. Why do I have to do it again?
Because our new software works differently, you will need to register. This will give you more information and more abilities to manage your account.
I received the Urgent email. Does this mean I am about to get my housing now?
No. This is to make sure your account and desire to be on a waiting list is up-to-date, and to make sure you can "Save My Spot" when we review waiting lists.
In-Person Resource Center
7485 Baltimore Annapolis Blvd
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday
8:30AM to Noon
1PM to 4PM
Additional in-person hours are available by appointment only
PLEASE BE ADVISED: Once on the page, scroll midway down the page and find the chart labeled “Federally Assisted Units By Property” and click on the community name to see more detailed information on eligibility, location and how to apply.